Over spring break i went to Seattle. It was super dooper cold but it was nice. I visited Seattle University and ate at lots of good restaurants. I got really fat hehe but the food was really good. One of the restaurants we ate at was called Sky City which was at the top of the Space Needle. It was a rotating restaurant. This made me think of a concept we learned in physics. The restaurant is moving in a uniform circular motion which is movement in a circle at constant speed. When an object is moving in the circle, it has constant speed but the velocity chagnes. Centripetal acceleration is acceleration due to change in direction in circular motion. It is p
ointed toward the center of the restaurant and has a constant magnitude. Centripetal acceleration depends on speed and the radius of the circle. The restaurant was really nice but after I returned from the bathroom I would get really confuzed because the table I was at moved.
hey. did you eat at the stumbling goat bistro? I went to Seattle U last spring and we went to that restaurant. It was super good. I had the quail. Yum. Oh and the round part on the needle could be one of your eyes. hee hee
boop boop boop. that's my radar going off on this journal
hee hee
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