Sunday, May 10, 2009


This weekend I went to the furniture store and sat on lots of different chairs and beds. While I was sitting on one of the chairs, a rainbow appeared across my lap. This made me think of physics. We just learned about refraction. The white light coming in from the windows refracted on the cut edges of the glass. Dispersion occurred which is refraction that causes light to separate into its different wave lengths. This is why the rainbow appeared. It was really pretty.

On the drive back home there was another rainbow but in the sky. I was able to see the rainbow because the sun was behind me and the raindrops were infront. The rainbow in the sky was also caused by dispersion. The light enters the raindrops then refraction and total internal reflection causes the colors to refract in different angles. I don't think that i took a very good picture because you can barely see the rainbow.

1 comment:

jcarlile09 said...

Wow those are some cool pictures. Did you take them yourself? Superb camera skillz